Friday, March 09, 2012

Fork Frame

Original Post: Etsy

Our Story:
I thought this was a really cute idea, but I was so lazy to dig out those pliers, that I just wasn't getting around to it.  Finally one day I made myself.  The first fork I pulled out was a good, expensive fork.  It didn't work.  They don't bend.  So I found a cheap fork in the drawer and started moving the parts.  If you don't have a cheap fork at home, check the Dollar Store!  I will admit, my husband put the finishing touches on this, as I could NOT get it to stand up properly.  I had a picture of the kids that I wasn't using (4x6) and I placed it on the fork.  Finished!  It's now sitting on our bookcase in our bedroom.

I would NOT put this picture holder in a young child's room.  It really could be used as a weapon and I wouldn't want anyone losing an eye!

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