Thursday, July 05, 2012

Make Your Own Watering Can

The first item on the Summer Bucket List: Make Your Own Watering Can

I had collected the jug and cap a while back because I knew that we would be doing this ONE day.  I found a hammer and a screw (I figured the screw would make a bigger hole) and I showed the kids how to hold the hammer and how to safely hit the screw into the lid.  They both had a lot of fun attempting.  Mommy's fingers got hit a bit, but they were having a great time.  Goodbye manicure that I just got done three days ago . . .

And this is wha the lid looked like when we finished . . .

The holes were still small, so it was taking a long time for the water to come out.  I showed my daughter how to squeeze the carton so that the water would come out faster.  This worked for a while, but her hands got sore after a while. 

So I decided to finish off the water that was in the jug - and this is what happened with my powerful muscles . . .  Verdict: Spend the money and get a watering can.  Not worth it AT ALL!  However, if you are looking for something to keep the kids busy one afternoon - do it!  Just don't expect it to last.

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