Friday, September 28, 2012

Book Store Trip

Even shopping can be a learning experience for children.  I am a big advocate for involving our children in everything we do.  From housework to shopping - there are conversations and learning that are being missed out on because parents want to get things done fast, so it's rush rush and no time for interaction.  We went shopping on one of the rainy days of our vacation this summer and we stopped by a book store.  My daughter found a book that she thought she had, it had the same princess, but it didn't look the same.  I explained that there were a lot of books in the series, all written by the same person and that if she really wanted them, she could put them on her wish list for Christmas or her birthday.  She can't read yet, but I showed her how to find the author, the title and the illustrator - and what those people do to create the book.  Learning while shopping!

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